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2016-04-22 07:14:14

We've got a joint ●●●●●●t buy ●●●●●● ●●●●●● no ●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●● “Late ●●●●●●s can be a ●●●●●●-edged sword, ●●●●●●r. Vines ●●●●●●y fruit 120 days after ●●●●●●ing, so with ●●●●●● three weeks late that means you’re ●●●●●●g at late O●●●●●● or early N●●●●●●r for ●●●●●●ting, so there’s a risk of early ●●●●●● frost. L●●●●●● this year ●●●●●● have gone well, and we’re set to have a good crop. B●●●●●● our vines were only ●●●●●●d four years ago we’re not at ●●●●●●m ●●●●●●tion yet, but this year we ●●●●●● get about 20 tons of fruit. At full ●●●●●●tion that ●●●●●● be more like 30 tons of fruit, or six per ●●●●●●e. The non-●●●●●●c ●●●●●●s in E●●●●●● will get about 8-10 tons per ●●●●●●e, but we’re at the outer limit of the ●●●●●●e for ●●●●●●lture.”